Take your chance


9 Good reasons why YOU should work for us:

We offer a long-term professional environment in which we promote the personal development of our employees through further training opportunities. Creative minds and skilled hands are always welcome here.

exciting projects

friendly working atmosphere

modern working environment

Personal support during induction

a secure job, even in difficult times

permanent contracts

staff development

family friendly

flat hierarchies, open doors, personal interaction, fair and appreciative

Job, training, internships, holiday job, speculative application

Current offers

TECHNIK in FORM GmbH offers you interesting and challenging tasks. We look forward to hearing from you.




Whether school or student internships – our experienced trainers and engineers accompany you from the beginning to the end of the internship and, if you wish, also supervise the preparation of final theses as part of your studies. All you have to do is apply online and we’ll get back to you. Click here for online registration.

Holiday job

You can work for us during your holidays. The only requirement is that you are 16 years old and work for us at least three weeks at a time. Apply online and we’ll get back to you. Apply now.

Speculative application

If you want to know and are applying on your own initiative, then welcome and click here for the online application:

Apply online

Onlinebewerbung Allgemein

Felder mit (*) sind erforderlich.
Ja, ich habe die Datenschutzerklärung zur Kenntnis genommen und bin damit einverstanden, dass die von mir angegebenen Daten elektronisch erhoben und gespeichert werden. Meine Daten werden dabei nur streng zweckgebunden zur Bearbeitung und Beantwortung meiner Anfrage benutzt. Mit dem Absenden des Kontaktformulars erkläre ich mich mit der Verarbeitung einverstanden.

Application via e-mail

Of course, you can send us your application directly via e-mail.

YOUR contact person

Mrs Biehler

As a development partner to the automotive and supplier industry, equipment and medical technology and various other industrial sectors, we combine our many years of experience with constant innovations and the latest technologies.